Call for Abstract

Annual Conference on Cardiology, will be organized around the theme “Explore the Science behind Heart”

Heart 2017 is comprised of 14 tracks and 75 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Heart 2017.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Cardiology being the branch of medical science deals with heart dysfunction in mammals. Cardiologists are the person specialized in medicine; they diagnose congenital heart defects, volvuli heart disease, heart failure, coronary artery disease and Cardiac electrophysiology. Clinical trials involve research on human volunteers done by principal investigators often medical professional or doctors.

  • Track 1-1 Lifestyle Risk Factors for Heart Disease
  • Track 1-2Metabolic Syndromes
  • Track 1-3Acute Cares
  • Track 1-4Modern Practices in Cardiovascular Therapy
  • Track 1-5Heart Infections
  • Track 1-6Hypertension
  • Track 1-7Cardiac Infractions

Acute coronary syndrome is sudden decrease in blood flow to heart typically caused by coronary artery disease. Symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating, vomiting, sudden weakness and pain, also irregular heartbeat. When arteries are blocked heart does not get enough oxygen and causes angina and heart attack.

  • Track 2-1Coronary Catheterization
  • Track 2-2Coronary Artery Diseases (Cad)
  • Track 2-3Congestive Heart Failure
  • Track 2-4Coronary Interventions
  • Track 2-5Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis
  • Track 2-6Aortic Aneurysm
  • Track 2-7Coronary Thrombosis

Arrhythmia is heart rhythm disturbance and clinical EP is Cardiac Electrophysiology. Branch of cardiology concerned with the study and treatment of rhythm disorder in heart. Person expertise in this field is called Electro physiologist.

  • Track 3-1Bradiarrythimia
  • Track 3-2Atrial Fibrillation
  • Track 3-3Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias
  • Track 3-4Catherization, Cardiac Angiography, IVUS and FFR
  • Track 3-5Electrocardiogram
  • Track 3-6Chest Radiographs
  • Track 3-7Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Cardiac surgery also called heart surgery performed by cardiac surgeon. Surgery is done to treat the complications of heart and great vessels. Angiography or say arteriography is a technique used to visualize the lumen of blood vessels and body organs. Traditionally imaging was done using X-ray based technique i.e. fluoroscopy.

  • Track 4-1 Bypass Surgery
  • Track 4-2Open heart surgery
  • Track 4-3Minimally invasive surgeries
  • Track 4-4 Cardiothoracic surgery
  • Track 4-5Modern beating - heart surgery
  • Track 4-6Pediatric cardiovascular surgery
  • Track 4-7Risk of cardiac surgery
  • Track 4-8Angioplasty
  • Track 4-9Heart Transplant

Intersection of heart condition in cancer treated patient is called Cardio-Oncology. Cancer drugs weaken the heart and cause abnormal rhythms. Cardiologist and Oncologist protect their patient during treatment by monitoring their heart and early treatment.

  • Track 5-1Sodium, potassium, calcium channel blockers
  • Track 5-2Cardiac biomarkers, cardiac tests and assessment of coronary reperfusion
  • Track 5-3Pulmonary Artery Sarcoma
  • Track 5-4Cardiac Angiosarcoma
  • Track 5-5Cardiac Lymphoma
  • Track 5-6Cardiac Metastases

Congenital heart disease is a problem with the heart's structure and function that is present at birth Pediatric heart disease is a term used to describe several different heart conditions in children. The most common type of pediatric heart disease is congenital, meaning that children are born with it. Congenital heart defects (CHD) can exist in adults, but are still considered CHD if the adult was born with the disease.

  • Track 6-1Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  • Track 6-2Pediatric heart physiologies
  • Track 6-3Children and adolescents: Prehypertension and metabolic syndrome, progression of Risk and diagnosis of disease
  • Track 6-4Pediatric diseases pathology
  • Track 6-5Pediatric heart transplants
  • Track 6-6Pediatric Heart Catheterization

Cardio metabolic risk refers to your chances of having diabetes, heart disease or stroke. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in people with mental illness. People with mental illness also have high rates of diabetes, which can lead to many other health problems. Lowering your cardio metabolic risk can help prevent more serious health problems down the road. Cardio metabolic syndrome (CMS) is a clustering of interrelated risk factors that promote the development of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus.

  • Track 7-1Diabetic cardiac autonomic neuropathy
  • Track 7-2 Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
  • Track 7-3Diabetes and stroke
  • Track 7-4Renal Diseases
  • Track 7-5Diabetes and Blood Pressure
  • Track 7-6Diabetes & Cholesterol

The use of nuclear imaging techniques for the non-invasive study of cardiovascular disease, as in myocardial perfusion imaging, planar imaging, SPECT (single-photon-emission computed tomography), and infarction imaging. Cardiac nuclear medicine imaging evaluates the heart for coronary artery disease and cardiomyopathy. It also may be used to help determine whether the heart has been damaged by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Nuclear medicine uses small amounts of radioactive materials called radiotracers that are typically injected into the bloodstream, inhaled or swallowed. The radiotracer travels through the area being examined and gives off energy in the form of gamma rays which are detected by a special camera and a computer to create images of the inside of your body. Nuclear medicine imaging provides unique information that often cannot be obtained using other imaging procedures.

Cardiomyopathy is a condition where the heart muscle is abnormal. The main types of cardiomyopathy include dilated, hypertrophic and restrictive cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy makes it harder for your heart to pump and deliver blood to the rest of your body. Cardiomyopathy can lead to heart failure.

  • Track 9-1Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
  • Track 9-2Dilated Cardiomyopathy
  • Track 9-3Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
  • Track 9-4Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia
  • Track 9-5Unclassified Cardiomyopathy

The term noninvasive is used to denote a procedure where no instrument is introduced into a patient's body which is the case for most imaging techniques used. Cardiac imaging is the action or process of producing an image especially of a part of the body (Heart) by radiographic techniques. It interprets cross sectional imaging studies of the heart and vascular system. Standard imaging tests include echocardiography (Echocardiography), chest x-ray, CT, MRI, and various radionuclide techniques (Radionuclide Imaging).

  • Track 10-1State of the art Cardiovascular Imaging
  • Track 10-2Imaging of Coronary Atherosclerosis
  • Track 10-3 Echocardiogram
  • Track 10-4Intravascular Ultrasound
  • Track 10-5Positron Emission Tomography
  • Track 10-6Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Track 10-73D-Cardiac Imaging Techniques

Clinical research efforts in acute coronary syndromes provide a useful model for examining large, multicenter effectiveness trials in an acute, life-threatening disease. Robert Califf, Vice Chancellor for Clinical Research and Director of the Duke Translational Medicine Institute, reflected on the notable successes of the ACS field in translating basic science into early clinical trials, and then into definitive trials that evaluate outcomes related to key clinical questions.

  • Track 11-1Angiogenic Treatment Modalities
  • Track 11-2Stem Cell Therapies
  • Track 11-3Protein Therapies
  • Track 11-4Endothelial Progenitor Cells
  • Track 11-5Myeloperoxidase (Biomarker)

Cardiac is an important muscular organ in humans and other animals, pumps blood through the vessels of the circulatory system. In medicine, a case report is a detailed report of symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of an individual patient. Case report may contain a demographic profile of patient but usually describe an unusual or novel occurrence. Different case report can be done such as case reports on cardiac arrest and diseases have a great value and help in advancing and development of treatment strategies.

Entrepreneurs  is an individual who, rather than working as an employee, runs a small business and assumes all the risk and reward of a given business venture, idea, or good or service offered for sale. The Cardio vascular Devices entrepreneur is commonly seen as a business leader and innovator of new ideas and business processes working on Medical devices. Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. These are the people who have the skills and initiative necessary to take good new ideas to cardiothoracic devices market and make the right decisions to make the idea profitable.

Advances in medicine means that if CHD is detected at an early stage it can be treated successfully to extend the survival rate. Successful treatment is more likely if the disease is detected at its earliest stages. Our current research focuses on the early detection of CHD in order to halt or reverse the progress of the disease. The ongoing research includes pioneering the use of heart scanning in the early diagnosis of heart disease in diabetics, Development of Nuclear Cardiology techniques for the detection of heart disease, Drug development and evaluation of treatments used in heart disease, Identification of novel biological markers to predict the presence of heart disease, Analysis of ethnic and socio-economic differences in heart disease risk.

  • Track 14-1Cardiac Rehabilitation
  • Track 14-2 Prosthetic Heart Valves and Associated Complications
  • Track 14-3Vitamin D intakes and the Risk of Heart Disease
  • Track 14-4Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
  • Track 14-5Pacemakers and Implantable Defibrillators: New developments
  • Track 14-6Thrombolytic Therapies in Stroke
  • Track 14-7Mental Stresses and its Gender-Specific link to Coronary Diseases
  • Track 14-8Statin Therapies for Prevention of Heart Diseases
  • Track 14-9Influences of Diet and Gut Flora on Cardiovascular Diseases
  • Track 14-10Cardiac Stem Cells